Difference between high level language and low level language

High-level language is different from low-level languages. A computer language is how data and instructions are transmitted to computers. In another way, computer languages are the interface between a computer and a human being.

Difference between high and low level language

High-level language

Third generation language was the next improvement in the field of computer programming languages. It refers to a high-level programming language such as FORTRAN, COBOL, BASIC, Pascal, C, C++, and java.

Low-level language

An example of low level language is assembly language. Assembly language is easier to understand and use because specific English based words are used for performing specific operations. Like: 'ADD' used for addition, 'SUB' used for subtraction, etc.

Difference Between High-Level Language And Low-Level Language

Following are some major differences between high level and low-level languages:

  • High-level languages are machine independent but low-level languages are machine-dependent.
  • High-level languages are easy to learn but difficult to learn.
  • High-level languages are closer to human languages but low-level languages are far from human languages.
  • Programs are written in a high-level language are easy to modify but in low languages are difficult to modify.
  • Programs written in high languages are shorter in length but programs written in low-level languages are lengthy.
  • COBOL, C, C++, JAVA are examples of high-level languages and assembly language is an example of a low-level language.
This post discusses the difference between high-level language and low-level language. I hope you have learned from reading this post. If you like this post then share it with your friends and you can comment on any of your doubts and I will replay then at the earliest. 

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