10 best wordpress search plugin | paid and free search plugin list in wordpress

10 best Free WordPress search plugin

In this post post we are learning about WordPress search plugin. This article will help you to understand which plugin best for enhance the search experience user in your website.

10 best wordpress search plugin

Why use a WordPress search plugin?

WordPress has built-in search feature, but this search quite basic and not very good at finding relevant content in website. So that's reason we are using search plugin for  improve the built-in WordPress search feature. 

Best WordPress search plugins list

Here are some popular WordPress search plugins:
  1. Relevanssi
  2. SearchWP
  3. Algolia
  4. ElasticPress
  5. Swiftype Search
  6. WP Solr Search
  7. Ivory Search
  8. Ajax Search Lite
  9. Dave's WordPress Live Search
  10. Better Search


As mentioned earlier, Relevanssi is a search plugin that improves the default WordPress search functionality by providing better search results based on relevance and giving users more control over how results are displayed.

Price: This plugin is free to use, if you enhance the feature then paid version also available.

Click here to download relevanssi search plugin


SearchWP is a plugin that improves the search functionality on your WordPress site by adding features like custom field searching, PDF and Office document indexing, and the ability to search content from third-party plugins.

Price: Paid

Click here to download search WP search plugin

Ivory Search: 

Ivory Search is a plugin that allows users to customize their WordPress search by creating custom search forms with different search criteria, including custom post types, taxonomies, and fields.

Price: Free

Click here to download ivory search plugin

Ajax Search Lite: 

Ajax Search Lite is a lightweight plugin that adds an AJAX-powered search to your WordPress site, providing instant search results as users type in their search terms. It also includes features like custom filters, search term highlighting, and the ability to exclude specific content from search results.

Price: Paid

Better Search: 

Better Search is a simple yet effective plugin that replaces the default WordPress search with a more accurate and user-friendly search functionality. It includes features like search term highlighting, custom excerpts, and the ability to search custom post types.

Price: Free

Click here to download better search plugin


The Algolia WordPress plugin is a tool that integrates Algolia's powerful search capabilities into WordPress websites. It allows website owners to enhance their website's search functionality and provide a more streamlined and user-friendly search experience to their visitors. The plugin enables features such as instant search, typo tolerance, autocomplete, and more. It also offers a user-friendly configuration interface that allows website owners to customize and fine-tune their search settings.

Price: Free

Click here to download algolia search plugin


ElasticPress is a WordPress plugin that integrates WordPress websites with the Elasticsearch search and analytics engine. It enhances the website's search functionality by offering features such as faceted search, typo tolerance, and autocomplete. The plugin also offers the ability to index custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. ElasticPress also improves the website's performance by offloading search queries to Elasticsearch, which is optimized for handling large amounts of data. It provides a user-friendly configuration interface that allows website owners to fine-tune their search settings and monitor the search analytics.

Swiftype Search:

Swiftype Search is a WordPress plugin that provides advanced search functionality for WordPress websites. It enables website owners to offer features such as real-time indexing, autocomplete, and faceted search. Swiftype Search also offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface that allows website owners to easily customize the search results page and search widget. The plugin is designed to integrate seamlessly with WordPress websites and supports custom post types and taxonomies. Additionally, it provides analytics and insights into search behavior, allowing website owners to optimize their search functionality for their users. Swiftype Search is now part of the Elastic family and is known as Elastic Site Search.

WP Solr Search:

WP Solr Search is a WordPress plugin that enhances the search functionality of WordPress websites by integrating them with the Apache Solr search engine. It provides features such as faceted search, autocomplete, spellchecking, and more. WP Solr Search also offers a user-friendly configuration interface that allows website owners to fine-tune their search settings and index custom post types, taxonomies, and metadata. The plugin is designed to handle large volumes of data and can significantly improve the performance of WordPress search queries. Additionally, it provides analytics and insights into search behavior, allowing website owners to optimize their search functionality for their users.

Dave's WordPress Live Search

Dave's WordPress Live Search is a WordPress plugin that provides a live search functionality for WordPress websites. It allows website visitors to see search results instantly as they type, without the need to reload the search results page. The plugin offers customization options, including the ability to control which post types and taxonomies are included in the search results. Additionally, it provides options to customize the search form's appearance and behavior, such as choosing the number of search results to display and adding a "show all results" link. Dave's WordPress Live Search is designed to work with WordPress websites of any size, and it can significantly improve the user experience by providing a fast and responsive search function.


Question1: How do I make my WordPress search better?
Answer: Many ways to improve search experience in wordpress:
1. Install a New Theme
2. Try a Plugin
3. Relevanssi
4. Google Custom Search

Question2: What is Ajax search plugin?
Answer: WordPress has a live search plugin called Ajax Search Lite. This responsive live search engine will improve your user experience with its user-friendly Ajax-powered search form - a live search bar.

Question3: Best free WordPress search plugin?
Answer: Many ways to improve search experience in wordpress:
1.  AJAX Search Lite
2.  Relevanssi
3.  Ivory Search
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