How To Create And Add A Menu In WordPress? | How To Create Menu In Wordpress In Hindi?

How To Create And Add A Menu In WordPress? | How To Create Menu In WordPress?

In this post learning about how to create and add menu in wordpress. First you need to understand what is wordpress?

What is wordpress?

Luckily, WordPress incorporates a menu altering framework that is simple for all clients to get a handle on. For example, you can choose the area of your menu and the pages you need to show. The area can shift contingent upon your subject, although most WordPress topics incorporate a few choices.

Steps To Create Menu In WordPress?

Step1: Go to WordPress dashboard.

How To Create Menu In Wordpress?

Step2: 1)Select appearance option.
2) In appearance select menu option.
3) After that click on create a new menu link.
4) Assign any name menu.
Step3: Scroll down and click create menu button.
Step4: After that add the links on menu.
Step5: And click on save button.

How To Add Links In Menu 

Two methods add links:
1. Directly select pages.
2. Custom links option


1. Select pages which want to insert in menu on most recent tab.

How To Create Menu In Wordpress

2. And click to add to menu button.
3. Links Added automatically in menu.
4. After that need to click save menu button.


How To Create And Add A Menu In WordPress?

1. Click to custom links option.
2. Add page url.
3. In link text assign any page name.
4. After that click to add menu button.

Watch Video In Hindi: How To Create Menu In Wordpress In Hindi

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